Shipping costs

The United Kingdom is currently excluded from delivery.

The maximum order weight contains 18 KG per parcel.

Shipping costs to other countries (with the exception of the postal codes mentioned in the overview below) are, per parcel up to 18 KG, excluding VAT:

The Netherlands (PostNL) €   6,95
Germany * €   6,95
Belgium €   8,95
Austria € 15,00
Denmark € 15,00
France € 15,00
Ireland € 15,00
Luxembourg € 15,00
Poland € 15,00
Spain € 15,00
Bulgaria € 23,95
Croatia € 23,95
Czech Republic                   € 23,95
Estonia € 23,95
Hungary € 23,95
Italy € 23,95
Latvia € 23,95
Lithuania € 23,95
Slovakia € 23,95
Slovenia € 23,95
Sweden € 23,95
Finland € 30,00
Portugal € 30,00
Romania € 30,00

In Germany, we deliver exclusively to business customers. For this purpose, we apply a different tariff here.

If your country does not appear in this overview, or you have questions and/or remarks, please contact us via email. 

Special rates apply to the postcodes below. If you place an order from any of these postcodes, you will be informed of the additional charges or possible cancellation by email.

Denmark (DK)

3700 3751 3790 5985 8592
3720 3760 4592 6720 9940
3730 3770 5960 7884 9950
3740 3782 5970 8305 9960
- Greenland 3900-3999      
- Faraör-Islands 100-970      

Germany (DE)

18565 25946-25949 26465 51280-51281 51561-51562
25845-25847 25952-25955 26474 51500 51564
25849 25961-25970 26486 51511-51514 83256
25859 25980 26548 51516-51517  
25863 25985-25986 26571 51521-51523  
25869 25988-25990 26579 51550-51552  
25929-25933 25992-25994 26757 51554-51557  
25938-25942 25996-25999 27498 51559  

Estonia (EE)

62601 91217 92001-92420 96027  
88001-88005 91301-91320 93001-94799 96098  

Finland-1 (FI)

10270 21770 22240 22720 75650
10600 23390 22270 22730 75680
190 25230 22271 22810 75700
7360 25940 22310 22820 75710
7370 25950 22320 22830 75740
7390 25960 22330 22840 75770
21195 90480 22340 22910 75790
21650 22100 22410 22920 75840
21660 22101 22411 22930 75890
21670 22110 22430 22940 75930
21680 22120 22520 22950 75940
21710 22130 22530 59800 75970
21720 22140 22550 59810 75990
21740 22150 22610 59820 80100
21750 22160 22630 75500 80110
21760 22220 22710 75530 80130

Finland-2 (FI)

80140 81460 82580 83480 64300
80160 81470 82590 83500 64320
80170 81560 82600 83550 64350
80200 81570 82655 83630 64370
80210 81590 82660 83660 64440
80220 81650 82670 83700 64450
80230 81660 82675 83720 64460
80260 81700 82685 83750 64480
80330 81720 82710 83760 64490
80400 81750 82730 83780 64510
80510 81810 82750 83825 64530
80710 81820 82760 83830 64550
80770 81850 82770 83835 64610
80780 81860 82815 83840 64700
80790 81950 82820 83855 64720
80850 81970 82830 83870 64740
80910 82110 82840 83880 64760
81100 82120 82850 83900 64770
81120 82140 82865 83910 64810
81160 82160 82870 83915 64820
81200 82170 82880 83940 64830
81210 82180 82900 83950 64840
81220 82200 82915 83960 64850
81230 82210 82960 83985 64900
81235 82220 82967 61500 64930
81260 82290 82980 61520 65100
81270 82300 83100 61550 65130
81280 82310 83130 61560 65170
81290 82335 83140 61840 65200
81295 82350 83150 64100 65230
81320 82360 83160 64140 65280
81330 82380 83320 64200 65300
81350 82395 83330 64210 65320
81360 82430 83340 64220 65350
81390 82460 83400 64230 65370
81420 82490 83430 64240 65380
81430 82500 83450 64250 65410
81450 82510 83460 64260 65450

Finland-3 (FI)

65460 65920 66270 66420 66560
65470 65930 66280 66430 66580
65480 65970 66290 66440 66590
65520 66100 66295 66450 66600
65610 66140 66300 66460 66640
65630 66160 66320 66470 66660
65650 66200 66330 66500 66680
65710 66210 66340 66510 66710
65730 66220 66350 66520 66730
65760 66230 66360 66530  
65800 66240 66370 66540  
65870 66260 66400 66550  

France (FR)

17111 17480 17670 29242 56780
17123 17550 17740 29253 56840
17190 17580 17840 29259 85330
17310 17590 17880 29990 85350
17370 17630 17940 56360  
17410 17650 22870 56590  
- Corsica 20000-20999      

Italy (IT)

04020 30010 30141 80070-80071  
04027 30012 57030-57039 80073-80077  
07024 30100 58010 80079  
07042 30121-30126 58012-58013    
07046 30131-30133 8018-8019    
25050 30135 71040    
- Sicily        
90010-90151 92010-92100 94010-94100 96010-96100 98020-98168
91010-91100 93010-93100 95010-95127 97010-97100  
- Sardinia        
08010-08100 09070-09099 09124 09170  
09010-09049 09100 09126    

Croatia (HR)

20221-20226 21420 22000 22310-22312 51511-51517
20260-20261 21423-21426 22010 22317-22324 51521-51523
20263-20264 21430-21432 22020 23212 51542
20270-20275 21450 22030 23234 51550-51557
20289-20290 21454 22202-22206 23249-23251 51559
21220 21460 22211-22215 23262-23264 51561-51564
21223-21225 21462-21463 22221-22223 23271-23275 53291
21400-21401 21465-21469 22231-22236 23281-23287 53294
21403-21405 21480 22240 23291-23296 53296-53297
21410 21483 22242-22244 51280-51282  
21412-21413 21485 22300-22307 51500  

Netherlands (NL)

1156 8881-8884 8899 9166  
1791-1797 8891-8897 9161-9164    

Portugal (PT)

- Azores 9500-9999      
- Madeira 9000-9499      

Spain (ES)

- Balearic Islands 07000-07999      
- Canary Islands 35000-35999 38000-38999    

Sweden (ES)

10005 13036 13043 43095-43097  
13025 13038 13055 47132  
13033 13039 13056 62000-62999  
13034 13042 43080-43089 76019